Keizers Collision Centre FAQs

What should I know before having my vehicle repaired?

  1. Never drive a vehicle that could be unsafe because of the damages.
  2. You are not required by law to obtain more than one estimate or appraisal
  3. You have the right to go to the repair shop of your choice. Your insurance company cannot make you go to a particular shop.
  4. Some insurance companies may want you to visit their drive-in claims center before having your car repaired. You can do this or you may leave your car at our shop and ask that the insurance company inspect the car here.
  5. Differences in repair estimates are common. A lower estimate may not include all necessary work. If you are not sure why one estimate is different from another you have received, please ask us.
  6. Choose a shop that has unibody repair equipment and certified (by I-CAR or ASE for example) technicians.
  7. Ask if the shop offers a repair warranty.
  8. Your car is the second largest investment you are likely to make. Preserve its’ value and your safety by having it repaired professionally.
  9. Some insurance companies may want you to visit their drive-in claims center before having your car repaired. You can do this or you may leave your car at our shop and ask that the insurance company inspect the car here.

What should I do if I had an accident?

  1. Get the facts
    Immediately after an accident, gather as much information as possible. Get the other driver’s name, address, telephone number, insurance policy number and license plate number.
  2. File a police report.
    File a police report. In Nova Scotia, a police report is required by law if there is more than $2000.00 worth of property damage to either vehicle. But even if it doesn’t look like there are significant damages it is a still a good idea to file a report. Without a police report, there is no independent verification that an accident even happened.
  3. Call your insurance company
    Call your insurance company as soon as possible. Some companies will send their own investigators to the scene of a serious accident to gather photos and other evidence that can later be used to help your claim. Your insurance policy also contains a deadline by which you must notify your insurance company of the accident. If you fail to meet this deadline, you may lose the ability to receive benefits if you have to make a claim.
  4. Write down your statement
    When everything settles down, write down what happened as you remember it. Include how the accident happened, the date, the time, the weather, what people said at the scene, and any other relevant details. Car accident claims can take months or years to resolve, and this record will help your memory down the road. Emailing yourself is a good way to do this so there is proof of the date and time that you wrote down these facts, if you are later accused of making something up after the fact.
  5. See your family doctor
    Even if you don’t believe you are injured, schedule an appointment with your family doctor at the earliest possible time following the crash. The effects of a concussion can be subtle and may not be apparent to the injured victim. Internal injuries may not be immediately visible or noticeable, especially with adrenaline flowing following a crash. Your doctor may be able to identify and document symptoms of injuries you weren’t aware of.

Do I need to call my insurance company after having an accident?

Yes. Regardless of fault, it is important to call your insurance company and report any accident that involved injuries or property damage. A common myth is that you do not need to contact your insurance company if you were not at fault. ... In order to use any of these, you are required to notify your insurance company.

Auto Services

How often do I need an oil change?

You should have your oil changed every 5 000 kms

How do I know if I need an alignment done to my vehicle?

The best way to know if you need an alignment done to your vehicle is if you are driving and you feel like it is pulling to the right or to the left as well as if your wheels are straight but your steering wheel is not.

How do I know if I need new tires?

If the tires are losing tread and look bald, Scalping on the tires, or Wire bars a showing. If you think you may need to tires please call your mechanical center and get them to measure them for you.

How would I know if I need new brakes?

There are a couple different ways you can find out if you need new brakes, visually you can see if the metal is warned down as well as the rust showing, vibration on your pedal, if you are hearing any noises like a grinding or squeaking. If any of these occur you should call your mechanical center and they can do a brake check for you.

Do I have to replace my rotors when I replace my brake pads?

When you replace your brake pads It is recommend that you also replace your rotors as well because if not you will get a material transfer which can will cause a squeaking noise as well as shaking within 6 months.

Does putting extra air in the tires help a car cope with carrying extra weight?

Definitely. When tires are cold, add five pounds to the pressures recommended by your car's manufacturer. But don't overload the car because excessive loads and sharp impacts can cause tire cord breaks and create damaging heat buildup because of abnormal sidewall flexing

Should you turn your car off when stopped for extended periods?

A car engine shouldn't be left idling unnecessarily for more than a minute. It takes less fuel to start a car than it takes to let it idle while waiting, say, for a long freight train to pass.

How do you clean a dirty battery terminal?

After disconnecting both terminal cables, use a baking soda paste--three parts baking soda and one part water--to clean corrosion built-up from battery terminals without the need for a wire brush. The slightly alkaline paste neutralizes corrosion. After reconnecting the clamps to the terminals, wipe them with petroleum jelly to help prevent future corrosion. Be careful when working around a battery because it contains a strong acid.

What should I do if the alternator light comes on?

An activated alternator or battery light means more electricity is being used than is being replaced. The good news is with this mechanic frequently asked question—it's probably not fatal—just massively inconvenient. The rule is to keep driving until you reach a service station. Turn off as many electricity-draining accessories as you safely can. The hardest thing the electrical system has to do is start the car, so don't turn the engine off unless it's absolutely necessary.

Warning! If the temperature light comes on at the same time the alternator light is on (or simply by itself), stop the car as soon as you can. The same belt that drives the alternator often drives the water pump. If the water pump stops working, it won't be long before the engine overheats and its internal parts melt. The result will be major damage and expensive repairs.
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